With limited time left before my DXpedition to Bonaire for RDXC and WPX SSB I wanted to write a short update, and summaries all of my previous posts into one paragraph. So here goes…
DK6SP and I will be on Bonaire from 16/03/18 to 01/04/18, We will also visit one other DXCC in the caribbean (Stay tuned). We will enter RDXC with PJ4/call and CQ WPX as PJ4V. Our WPX team is DK6SP, M0SDV, PJ4DX, PJ4KY and PJ4NX. Out side of the contest QRV as PJ4/Calls on 160-6m CW, SSB and maybe FT8. During our non contest activity we will be running Live logs Via Clublog and Wintest. Live logs will appear on this website (See below). We will focus on CW and 30m in particular to give you all a new slot. Thanks to MW0JZE for letting us use his hex beam, DXcommander and Steve PJ4DX. QSL Via Home calls and PJ4V Via M0URX
Almost didn’t make it.. 5 days 10 Hours, 28 minutes now! Can’t wait! See you all in the pile up