Author - Jamie Williams


In this contest I was fortunate enough to be allowed use of G0DWV, Chris’s station in Norfolk. Here I decided to do SOAB HP, Unassisted.

The first hour or so of the contest i was mostly on 40m with some cracking rates. Around 170Q/h was average for the first two hours. and when it slowed down I QSY’d to 80 and so on. 80m was fun! I didn’t expect quite so many loud signals. Pile ups were just as lively as on 40m which was new for me to experience. I spent a large part of the night hopping between 80. & 160 for mults but 40 turned out to be the money band. I was surprised at how many Mid – West coast Stations called, contrary to what others have said. 

I did manage to get some sleep in the mornings between sort of 9am-11:30. Not much but just enough to be refreshed. I started on 20m again and shortly after had a listen on the 2nd VFO to see if 15m was playing ball (various social media posts the day’s leading up suggested it may open for the contest). and as it goes the band was somewhat open. I made about 80 QSO’s and worked 25 S/P’s before heading back to 20, hungry for some higher rate.

The 2nd day was much the same although I found 15m had much better conditions than Saturday. Maybe people had missed the opening the first time?? Anyway I made a few more Q’s there before going back to 20m, However this time it was somewhat quieter than I’d wanted. I worked 2-300 more Q’s before the band died at about 19:00z 40m Opened early on Sunday, I was worked Q’s as far as IL and OH from 20:00z (This is where Chris’s 4 ele comes in handy) and this good rate continued pretty much to the end. I did hop around 160/80 too and mopped up some last minute mults, But again 40m offered almost constant pile ups to the end.

A huge Thank you to Chris G0DWV and his wife Tina for being my hosts for the weekend and making my time there very enjoyable. 

Radios: Icom IC 7851 + Expert 2KFA  + Microham MK2R+
Antennas: 160m top loaded Vertical, 80m four square, 4 elements 40m & C31XR
Wintest Logging

Callsign        : M0SDV
Operating time  : 38h48

160 147 36 0 438 2.98
80 496 50 22 1485 2.99
40 800 53 20 2397 3.00
20 972 59 33 2913 3.00
15 234 37 2 702 3.00
10 0 0 0 0 0.00
TOTAL 2649 235 77 7935 3.00
TOTAL SCORE : 1 864 725

I’m going to Togo – 5V7EI

I recently received a phone call from team leader Dave EI9FBB asking if I would like to join their DXpedition to Togo with the EI DX Group. Of course I could not refuse this opportunity to join a Dxpedition team. This will be my first real DXpedition. However not my first DX activation. I have been QRV from a few different countries around the world but this will be my first large scale operation. Previous operations include; MS0YHC , DL/M0SDV, PJ2/M0SDV, PJ4/M0SDV & PJ4V. I expect intense pile ups like I’ve never heard before from this top 150 DXCC entity.

Thank you to Dave EI9FBB and the EI DX Group for this amazing oppurtunity! See you in the pile ups, de, 5V7EI

(Click the logo to see the 5V7EI website)

The Holidays are coming

As we approach the festive season many companies are starting to slow down for the year. Here at United Radio we like to push through to bring you the very best and fastest service. However our postal carrier here in the UK, Royal Mail, start to slow their collections. 

Last post for mail to arrive before Christmas is 18th December. After this time Mail posted is unlikely arrive before the 27th December. Therefore I will have a Close down period for 1 week between 20th – 27th December. This gives me time to spend time away from my desk and with my family through the festive period.

I would like to thank everyone for their support over the last year. And I wish you and your families all the best and Happy Holidays. 

Kosovo – Z66DH

A team of four Young, Enthusiastic and talented operators all under the age of 26 will embark on an adventure to a top 50 DXCC entity, Kosovo. They will be QRV from the 10th December for 12 days. They will operate 160-10m SSB, CW and Data including FT8 Fox & Hound mode.

The operating team will be; Philipp DK6SP, Tamas HA8RT, Florian OE3FTA & Horia YO3IMD

                                                                      They have 3 sponsors

I will provide a full QSL service for this DXpedition using OQRS and Club log. Please see the QSL Instructions or Cluck Here to visit the QRZ page


The QSL work for Brand New IOTA AF-111 DXpedition EL2EL/4 is under way. The QSL card has been designed and is currently being printed by Top Quality printer Max ON5UR. This design was initially published by DXworld on Social Media. 






One of the biggest aims of this DXpedition was to raise money for the MAF (Mission Aviation Foundation) and The locals of Liberia. This was done with a just giving page and OQRS donations. With £2000 raised before the DXpedition and ever increasing donations being made with QSL requests Via OQRS and direct letters. An Incredible effort! 

The team made almost 5000 QSO’s from the Brand New IOTA, So far we have had 500 QSL requests using QORS and less than 20 Direct letters. This is a very good outcome and a great for success for OQRS which is growing in popularity each and every year.

I Hope for All direct requests to be in the post within the next 10-14 days, LoTW has been uploaded. In the meantime there is plenty of DX to work whilst you wait. 

PJ4/M0SDV – QSL Preview

Finally after long delays of my own doing QSL cards for my PJ4/M0SDV in March are now in the printers. I hope to receive the cards and send them out within 10-14 days.

During my stay in Bonaire I made 1,600 QSO both CW and SSB. I also took part in CQ WPX as PJ4V (Click here to see results) I also activated Curacao as PJ2/M0SDV from the PJ2T station where I took part in the Russian DX Contest making around 600 QSO’s

QSL Via Clublog OQRS or Direct


Old Out of date IRC’s

Thank you to Ronald DL2DWC for the donation of 10 out of Date IRC’s included with his QSL request for EL2EL/4. United Radio QSL bureau returns out of date IRC’s in return for stamps which greatly helps our outgoing QSL Bureau service. 

Remember Don’t throw them away. Just 350 out of date IRC’s is enough to post 20,000 QSL cards to world IARU Bureau’s

PJ4V, The Results

Back in March of this year I went on a trip to Bonaire along with good friend DK6SP. We spent around 2 weeks on the island in total. During this time we operated holiday style as PJ4/Homecall and we participated in CQ WPX SSB as PJ4V. Our Team for this contest was; DK6SP, M0SDV, PJ4DX, PJ4NX and PJ4KY.

We entered the Multi-Two category, High power. Using Equipment borrowed from the island residents and some of our own. The station consisted of 100% wire antennas. 

Antennas: 160m Inverted L, 80m Vertical, 40m elevated vertical and Inv V dipole, Spider beam @ 12m ,MW0JZE Hex beam @ 10m

Other Equipment: Yaesu FT 2000 with Acom 1500, Yaesu FTdx 5000 with Aplha 9500, Home brew filters and 6×2 switch by DJ8OG, Laptops x2

Our claimed Score was 5859 Q’s, 1252 Pfx and 27.9 Mil Points

Our Final adjudicated score was 5653 Q’s, 1235 Pfx and 26.18 Mil points, Leaving us 2nd World, 1st South America and 1st Bonaire. I feel the team worked very well together. This is the first time Multi-Two has been attempted with these guys and it was a pleasure to operate with them. We could not have hoped for such a good result. Only Bigger and Better for the future.




ZS9YOTA – Summer Camp 2018

This week Many Youngsters from around the IARU region 1 will be heading down to South Africa for a week of Radio fun!

There will be 80 Participants from over 30 countries attending this Annual event. The Camp is intended to bring many of the worlds young radio hams together in one place where they can learn, have fun and make friendships lasting a lifetime. The Week long camp brings many opportunities to the attendees, weather it be making QSO’s on air as ZS9YOTA, Teaching or being taught a new skill and even getting to know those around you with an intercultural evening. 

The event will last from 8th August – 15th August inclusive. The Youngsters hope to hear from you on the air, so don’t be shy and give them a shout. QSL is Via M0SDV. For SWL’s Click the link